Submitting Your Video Exam

We’ve created this step by step guide to help you capture your best exam performance.

Please ensure you have read through and followed each step below before submitting. If your video does not meet the below criteria, you may be asked to perform the exam again.

For more general information on our exams, please see our general exam guidelines.

To see a sample exam, click here.
To go straight to our Piano Syllabus, click
For our ‘teacher page’ with help to get you started, click
For a handy chart with popular piano method book levels, click

  • Step 1 - Set Up

    Please ensure you set up the exam location and space according to the following guidelines:

    1. Video exams may be filmed at any time, either at home or during a lesson.

    2. Please make sure that the space you are performing in is quiet and well lit.

    3. Piano Exams must be performed on a high quality instrument. Good digital pianos are accepted.

    4. A smartphone or tablet is sufficient for recording

    5. The exam must be completed in one 'take' or 'shot' without cuts or edits.

    6. Students should be dressed in performance attire with appropriate clothing, including shoes.

    7. The video frame must include the student’s face, and both hands and feet – a ‘side on’ view is usually best for piano exams. Instrumental exams can be face on or side view.

    8. Please do a few ‘test’ videos to ensure good sound and picture quality

  • Step 2 - Record Exam

    Please follow the below guidelines while recording and performing your exam:

    1. Students are to introduce themselves at the start of the video, stating their name, the date and the exam level.

    2. Students are to announce each section and each item before they begin to play.

    3. Students should avoid rushing and feel free to take a moment, or a breath between sections or pieces.

    4. We know that many students find it difficult to submit a video exam that they don’t consider ‘perfect’. We suggest you record up to 3 exams and then choose the best one and send it in! (We don’t recommend filming over and over again in the hopes of perfection!) Remember - if this were a face to face exam you would only get one shot at it!

  • Step 3 - Submit Files

    Ready to submit your video?
    Great! Make sure your video adheres to the guidelines in Steps 1 and 2, and get all your files ready.

    A reminder that the video and all other attachments must show the STUDENT NAME (not the parent or teacher name) as the name of the file.

    You’ll need:

    1. Your exam video in the correct format, labelled with the student name and exam level

    2. PDFs of any Free Choice Pieces, labelled with the student name and the title of the piece

    3. UME Student Form (a reminder that the copyright form is not required for set pieces) labelled with the student name and the word ‘form’

    Once you have all of the above ready, you can click the ‘submit exam files’ button, and upload your files on the next screen.